“He loved his own in the world, and he loved them to the end” (John 13:1). “Dearest, here’s the Word of Life for August 2009,” said my friend Mercedes’ email. “Let’s always keep God alive among us by living mutual love.”
Here are insights on that Word of Life from the late Chiara Lubich, Blessed Lady of the Focolare Movement — which in more than 180 nations is promoting the Gospel of Unity and “the Work of Mary” among Catholics, other Christians, people of goodwill among other faiths and non-religious denominations.

That all may be one: Ladies chat as the Focolare hosted Muslim friends in October 2008 in their center at the papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, Italy.

The graciousness of the Focolare often is manifested in a Muslim prayer room at their centers, seen here as the Salatul Jummah, or Friday congregational prayer, is offered in Castel Gandolfo.

The tour of the Vatican during the October 2008 international meeting of Muslim friends of the Focolare was another contribution to constructive dialogue and positive interraction that promotes universal solidarity.
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