Rabbi Howard Shapiro, Imam C.B. Hanif and Tom O'Brien at Florida Atlantic University's Lifelong Learning Society. More scenes and upcoming area events below.
What a joy — as one may glean from the additional photos at the end of this post — to share perspectives on Islam and Muslims for The Lifelong Learning Society at Florida Atlantic University’s Honors Campus in Jupiter.
Deep gratitude to Rabbi Howard Shapiro and Tom O’Brien, my hosts and co-presenters for the very rewarding Feb. 10 session, part of their World’s Religions series. A slide featured during our presentation stated: “Dialogue Requires Trust.” My kind hosts fostered both. Our high-intelligence-quotient, capacity audience also was wonderful, as was the LLS staff.
As always, there is never enough time for all the questions, or for all that could be said. But once again, new friends were made. Insha’Allah — G-d Willing — we’ll be sharing and caring again soon, as we expand the circle of Unity.
Feb. 20: I serve as moderator for “Where Malcolm X was heading,” 2-4 p.m. at the United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches, 900 Brandywine Rd, WPB 33409. A timely Black History Month opportunity to hear unique insights on a key period of Muslim American history from folks who lived it. This session continues New Africa of the Palm Beaches‘ monthly forums featuring remarkable cultural diversity and exemplary models for interaction and cooperation. More details here.
Feb. 27: “Mother of (MLK) Nation,” my tribute to Lil Cohen, longtime local champion of peace and justice, who recently died in her late 90s. Women’s Int’l League for Peace and Freedom luncheon, 2 p.m. at the Jasmine Thai Restaurant, 3897 N Haverhill Rd, WPB 33417, 561-689-5999.
Feb. 28: The Women’s Circle annual “Circle of Hope” gala fundraising dinner. Support the nonprofit organization in “Celebrating a Decade of Caring” for needy women, with the Most Reverend Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito of the Diocese of Palm Beach, emcee Frank Cerabino of The Palm Beach Post and saxophonist Will Bridges, 6:30 p.m. at Benvenuto Restaurant, Boynton Beach. Call 561-244-7627, ext. 105.
March 17: Colleagues and I share Social Justice/Social Action perspectives from various spiritual traditions, 6:30 p.m. at the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches, 635 Prosperity Farms Rd, NPB 33408, 561-627-6105.
March 20: For “Constantine’s Sword,” I again am moderator as New Africa of the Palm Beaches returns to its usual DVD & Discussion format. James Carroll’s compelling documentary exposes religiously inspired violence and intolerance in his personal search for a better future, 2-4 p.m. at the United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches.
March 21: I address “Current Trends in Islam” as part of the American Jewish Committee of Palm Beach County’s series of lectures on “Understanding Islam,” 7-9 p.m. at Temple Beth David, 4657 Hood Rd, PB Gardens 33418. Register online or call the AJC office at 561-994-7286.
(Again thanking our Maker for my dear Aneesha’s loving support — including the camera work.)
— C.B. Hanif
As Always Brother, job well done. Keep up the good work. Looking foward to speaking with you soon.
Ma’ Salaam